Fr. Steven Evans

Fr. Steven Evans has served St. Andrew's since November 2010. He was ordained by Bishop Doc Loomis as an Anglican Deacon on August 19, 2012 and as a priest on February 23, 2013.
Fr. Steve values servant leadership, authenticity, love, gratitude and grace. Steven loves serving as an Anglican Priest and especially serving what he affectionately calls, "The world's greatest Anglican Church, St. Andrew's." He is passionate about teaching the Scriptures and spiritual formation for all ages, entrepreneurial ministry, new church development, the Alpha courses, healing prayer, personal discipleship and humble cross-denominational collaboration for the Kingdom of God.
Steven was previously ordained in the Evangelical Covenant Church in 1997. He has served churches in Willoughby Hills, OH and Watertown, NY and has worked as a Festival Director for the Steve Wingfield Evangelistic Association.
Steven is a graduate of Roberts Wesleyan College (BA), North Park Theological Seminary (M.Div.), The Arrow Leadership Program and received a certificate in Web Design & Maintenance at OCM BOCES.
Steven and his wife, Alyx, have been married since 1991 and have 5 children: Katelyn, Carter, Benjamin, Nicholas and Jacqueline. They are also foster parents. They home school and live in Liverpool, NY. Steven is an avid biker and can regularly be found in Onondaga Lake Park and on the Erie Canal Towpath. He is also a genealogist and loves baseball.
Fr. Samuel Coilpillai

St. Andrew's has had the great privilege of having Fr. Samuel Coilpillai serve as Assistant Priest. He and his wife, Hepsie, moved to the USA from India in 2005 and returned in 2017. Though he is not currently serving our congregation, we consider he and Hepsie as beloved friends of our church and his work there is an extension of our ministry. Fr. Sam is licensed for ministry by Bishop William Mugenyi in the Diocese of Boga in the Anglican Province of the Congo.
Sam started out in the field of banking and finance, working for several large international banks. He studied for the priesthood and was ordained in the Church of North India, a church in the Worldwide Anglican Communion.
Vestry & Other Servants of the Church

St. Andrew's is blessed by the leadership of its Vestry members: Rector’s Warden: Holly Delavan, People’s Warden: Paul Norris. Vestry: Juleen Iannotta, Katie Polhamus and Vince LaTorre. Treasurer: Lauren Godfrey. Financial Secretary: Juleen Iannotta. Clerk of the Vestry: Katie Polhamus.
Our Altar Guild is led by Karen Steffen. Our Technology Coordinatory is Katelyn Evans. Jenny Hart leads our Garage Sale team. R. Joe Godfrey leads our music ministry.