Resources is an online version of the spiritual exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola.

Mission St. Clare is an excellent resource for observing the Daily Office (both Rite I & II) or looking up Lectionary texts. They also have a smart phone app.

Church Year at What day is it in the church year? Check out this calendar. The readings are from the Revised Common Lectionary.

The Alpha Marriage Course.

Online Bible Reading Resources

Personal Growth

The Emotionally Healthy Church, Expanded Edition: A Strategy for Discipleship That Actually Changes Lives
Emotionally Healthy Spirituality: It's Impossible to Be Spiritually Mature, While Remaining Emotionally Immature
Boundaries: When to Say Yes, How to Say No to Take Control of Your Life
The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love that Lasts

Christian Life

How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth: Fourth Edition
Praying with the Church: Following Jesus Daily, Hourly, Today
Monk Habits for Everyday People: Benedictine Spirituality for Protestants
The Jesus Creed: Loving God, Loving Others
Sacred Listening: Discovering the Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius Loyola
Celebration of Discipline: The Path to Spiritual Growth
The Breakthrough Guide to Fasting: Three Bestsellers in One Volume
Are Miraculous Gifts for Today?
Surprised by the Power of the Spirit
Surprised by the Voice of God
The Steps to Freedom in Christ
The Beginner's Guide to Spiritual Warfare
The Bondage Breaker: Overcoming *Negative Thoughts *Irrational Feelings *Habitual Sins
Victory Over the Darkness: Realize the Power of Your Identity in Christ
The Beginner's Guide to the Gift of Prophecy
The Gift of Prophecy in the New Testament and Today
You May All Prophesy! Practical Guidelines for Prophetic Ministry
The Day I Died


Building a Discipling Culture
Conspiracy of Kindness: Revised and Updated A Unique Approach to Sharing the Love of Jesus
101 Ways to Reach Your Community (Designed for Influence Series)
Outflow: outward-focused living in a self-focused world
The Celtic Way of Evangelism, Tenth Anniversary Edition: How Christianity Can Reach the West . . .Again
Kingdom Triangle: Recover the Christian Mind, Renovate the Soul, Restore the Spirit's Power

Anglican Life. Worship. Theology.

Essential Truths For Christians by Bishop John Rodgers

Liturgical Theology: The Church as Worshiping Community
The Accidental Anglican: The Surprising Appeal of the Liturgical Church
Our Anglican Heritage, Second Edition: Can an Ancient Church be a Church of the Future?
Stories with Intent: A Comprehensive Guide to the Parables of Jesus
Surprised by Hope: Rethinking Heaven, the Resurrection, and the Mission of the Church
Christian Theology: An Introduction
Never Silent

Strengthen Your Faith

From Vince Latorre, a member of St. Andrew's Anglican Church:
The Bible Can Be Proven: Unlocking Ancient Mysteries of a Divine Imprint

Mere Christianity
Simply Jesus: A New Vision of Who He Was, What He Did, and Why He Matters
Walking with God through Pain and Suffering
The Reason for God: Belief in an Age of Skepticism
Encounters with Jesus: Unexpected Answers to Life's Biggest Questions
The Prodigal God
Counterfeit Gods: The Empty Promises of Money, Sex, and Power, and the Only Hope that Matters
The Case for the Resurrection: A First-Century Investigative Reporter Probes History's Pivotal Event
The Case for Christ: A Journalist's Personal Investigation of the Evidence for Jesus (Case for ... Series)
The Case for Faith: A Journalist Investigates the Toughest Objections to Christianity (Case for ... Series)
The Case For A Creator: A Journalist Investigates Scientific Evidence That Points Toward God (Strobel, Lee)
Reasonable Faith: Christian Truth and Apologetics
Time and Eternity: Exploring God's Relationship to Time
Hard Questions, Real Answers
The Only Wise God: The Compatibility of Divine Foreknowledge & Human Freedom
The Blackwell Companion to Natural Theology
The Son Rises: Historical Evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus
God?: A Debate between a Christian and an Atheist (Point/Counterpoint)
Creation out of Nothing: A Biblical, Philosophical, and Scientific Exploration
The Kalam Cosmological Argument
The Cosmological Argument from Plato to Leibniz: (Library of Philosophy and Religion)
Debating Christian Theism
On Guard: Defending Your Faith with Reason and Precision
A Reasonable Response: Answers to Tough Questions on God, Christianity, and the Bible
Does God Exist?
Does God Exist? The Debate Between Theists and Atheists
Does God Exist?: The Question You Can't Ignore
Christianity and the Nature of Science: A Philosophical Investigation
In Search of a Confident Faith: Overcoming Barriers to Trusting in God
A Reasonable Response: Answers to Tough Questions on God, Christianity, and the Bible
Did the Resurrection Happen?: A Conversation with Gary Habermas and Antony Flew (Veritas Forum Books)
Did the Resurrection Happen . . . Really?: A Dialogue on Life, Death, and Hope (The Coffee House Chronicles)
The Resurrection of the Son of God (Christian Origins and the Question of God, Vol. 3)
The Historical Jesus: Ancient Evidence for the Life of Christ
The Case for the Resurrection of Jesus
Is God Just a Human Invention? And Seventeen Other Questions Raised by the New Atheists
Why Jesus?: Rediscovering His Truth in an Age of Mass Marketed Spirituality
Jesus Among Other Gods: The Absolute Claims of the Christian Message
Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus: A Devout Muslim Encounters Christianity
Letters from a Skeptic: A Son Wrestles with His Father's Questions about Christianity
Girl Meets God: On the Path to a Spiritual Life